When it comes to taking care of a foster child, it is no different than taking care of your own child. From clothing, food and roof over their head to provide the basics in life, the Arizona Sunshine Angels strive to take it that step further to make a difference, provide hope and most importantly to let the child know that they are cared for, valued and loved.
Everything you need to do for your child, we need to do for a foster child. Recognize their accomplishments, help them to learn, celebrate their birthday’s and special occasions, provide them with supplies that they need for life and school as they grow. When you stop and think about all you do for a child, you take a step back catching your breath from exhaustion and counting your blessings.
At Arizona Sunshine Angels, we count our blessings every day and not just with one child but with more than 700+ foster children here in the Phoenix metropolitan area. We strive to provide them with that ‘family’ feeling, love and support each child needs in order to grow up strong, stable and healthy, and so that they can successfully transition from foster care into their adult life when they turn 18. The Arizona Sunshine Angels and all our volunteers and partners together TEAM up to make a positive difference one child at a time.
Welcome Box
It’s hard enough on a child to move with their family… but even more difficult for a child when they not only have to leave their family but also move into a new home without them. The Arizona Sunshine Angels welcomes every foster child lovingly into their new group home with a personal and very special Welcome Box. Each box is handcrafted by Angels and includes a special message, shampoo, soap/body wash, deck of cards, brush/comb, lotion, lip balm, hair accessories, journal and pen, toothbrush and toothpaste, snacks and more.
Each year, the Arizona Sunshine Angels prepares more than 700 Welcome Boxes to the Sunshine children. These children enter the foster care system with only the clothes they are wearing at the time and are thrilled to receive a special gift just for them.
Angel Mentors
The Arizona Sunshine Angels can’t do what we do own our own. We need Angel Mentors to help us with birthday and holiday celebrations, as well as help out in the Kids’ Closet.
If you would like to brighten the lives of children in foster care, visit the Be An Angel page to learn more.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are a special time in everyone’s life and in the life of a foster child, it is one of the most special and important times for them. The Arizona Sunshine Angels make it a priority to celebrate each child’s birthday and to give them that one day of feeling important and loved. Each birthday is personalized just for that child with a birthday card with $10 inside to celebrate their special day. For Goodness Cakes provides a homemade cake to their specifications. The children also receive a gift bag from Arizona Helping Hands. All together, we provide incredibly special birthday memories.
Educational Incentives
All children in group home agencies who meet the following requirements receive a $10 gift card from the Arizona Sunshine Angels:
- All grades are “C’ or better.
- No incomplete assignments or homework.
- Study time is used effectively.
- Behavior at school and home is appropriate.
Graduation Support
Graduation Celebration
Graduation is an unforgettable and special occasion and when it comes to a foster child who has to persevere through more than other children it is even more special. We recognize this great achievement in the lives of foster kids and that is why we provide the financial support for a graduation celebration, including a luncheon, for the 8th grade and 12th grade graduating foster students and those who have attained a GED certificate each May.
Angel Scholarships
With the support of our Angel Partners, the Arizona Sunshine Angels is able to provide annual scholarships to all 12th grade graduates. The graduating youth can pursue their next level of learning and/or career goals. We thank the following Angel scholarship sponsor for their scholarship contributions.
Extra Support
To help get them started on the right foot, the Arizona Sunshine Angels helps furnish the dorm or first apartment for youth. We also provid bus passes or a bicyle so they can get to and from school or work.
The Arizona Sunshine Angels provides gift cards for the children to receive haircuts. Thanks to Empire Beauty School, the children not only receive a special rate, but also special treatment. We also provide funding for children with ethnic hairstyles.
Holiday Support
From hosting a Christmas party and/or outing for each group home complete with gifts for all to celebrating Easter, the Arizona Sunshine Angels adds the extra touches to make holidays special.
Supplemental Clothing
The Arizona Sunshine Angels recognizes that proper fitting clothing does wonders for a child’s self-esteem. As such, we provide $250 per child each year, plus $50 for shoes to make sure the children in group homes have clothes that fit.
For children in the Sunshine Residential Group Homes, our Kid’s Closet helps more than 700 children per year to have the clothes they need.
Statistically, children in foster care are behind in their education. The Arizona Sunshine Angels makes tutoring available to all the group homes so children can succeed in school.